Sauces & Seasonings
Brick House Vinaigrettes Wood Frog Farm
Brick House Vinaigrettes Wood Frog Farm
All vendors will be required to provide a general liability certificate or personal liability certificate along with the booth rent payment, if the vendor is approved for participation at the Columbus Farmer’s market. The liability coverage shall be 1mm for single occurrence and 2mm for aggregate coverage.* It shall name the city of Columbus, its [...]
Goods Permitted to be Sold Columbus Farmers Market is an open market and we do not limit the number of vendors selling specific products. When approving new vendors, the Market Coordinator takes into consideration the number of current vendors already selling a similar product. All products must originate and be processed or manufactured in Indiana [...]
Some customers may be eligible to use WIC and Senior Farm Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) vouchers, and some Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (S.N.A.P. double bucks). Farmers Market Nutrition Program information for the State of Indiana
Political or religious displays, advertisements and/or solicitations of any other kind are not allowed.
The Columbus Farmers Market is a Pet Friendly market and we welcome well-behaved pets and owners. However, no pets are allowed within vendor booths except for service dogs. The following conditions apply to all animals and owners: Pets are to be kept on a short leash. Pets are to be kept under control and by [...]